申威峰,工学博士,教授,博士生导师 国家优青科学基金获得者 重庆市杰青科学基金获得者 侯德榜化工科学技术青年奖获得者 入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单 IECR亚太地区年度最具影响力研究人员 全球华人化工论坛“未来化工学者” 重庆市青年拔尖人才 重庆高层次人才 重庆市学术技术带头人 重庆市科技进步奖二等奖(第一完成人) 中国有色金属工业科学技术发明奖一等奖 主讲“化工设计软件”获重庆市一流课程 |
主要从事智能化工与系统节能降碳研究。主持包括国家自然科学基金委:优青项目、面上项目、青年项目,国家重点研发计划子课题,重庆市杰青项目、重大项目、重点项目、面上项目,重庆市社会民生类应用示范,留学人员回国创新支持计划重点项目等国家、省部级、企业委托等项目50余项。在中国工程院院刊Engineering及化工领域AIChE J等顶级期刊发表SCI论文130余篇,6篇文章入选ESI的1%高被引论文,1篇入选ESI的1%热点论文,出版专著1本。申请发明专利20余项、软著10余项目。获侯德榜化工科学技术奖青年奖。获重庆市科技进步奖二等奖1项(第一完成人)、石化联合会科技进步二等奖1项(第一完成人)。获中国有色金属工业科技进步奖一等奖。
担任国家工信部工业节能行业标准化总体组专家委员,任中国化工学会过程模拟与仿真专委会、化工大数据与智能设计专委会、中国系统工程学会过程系统工程专委会、中国化工学会化工过程强化委员会、信息技术与应用专业委员会等委员。担任《Frontiers in Chemical Engineering》副主编、《Processes》专题顾问委员会成员(Topical Advisory Panel Member)、《化工学报》客座主编、《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》青年编委、《eScience》编委、《Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering》青年编委、《过程工程学报》编委。长期为AIChE J等40余家SCI期刊审稿。
联系方式 Contact Information
研究方向 Research Interests
1. 智能化工厂、工业智能软件、智能优化算法、数字孪生、全厂智能决策系统开发
2. 基于人工智能、大数据的溶剂、催化剂、功能材料开发,绿色低碳化工过程开发
3. 复杂高能耗石化工业过程设计、ASPEN模拟、大数据与机理混合建模优化与控制
4. 石化工业全厂系统能量集成、大规模换热网络与换热器协同优化、节能降碳优化
5. 复杂难分离有机多共沸体系的精馏节能装置新工艺设计、开发、优化与工业应用
6. 人工智能赋能新药开发、智慧医疗、石化医药节能管理平台、信息在线平台开发
国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目 (No.22122802; 2022.01-2024.12)
国家自然科学基金面上项目 (No.22278044; 2022.01-2025.12)
国家自然科学基金面上项目 (No.21878028; 2019.01-2022.12)
国家自然科学基金青年项目 (No.21606026; 2017.01-2019.12)
国家重点研发计划专项项目课题 (No.2017YFB0603105; 2018.09-2020.09)
重庆市自然科学基金杰出青年项目 (No.CSTB2022NSCQ-JQX0021; 2022.09-2024.09)
重庆市高层次人才特殊支持计划 (2018.09-2021.09)
重庆市留学人员创新支持重点项目 (No.cx2023002; 2023.09-2025.09 )
重庆市自然科学基金面上项目 (No.CSTC2016JCYJA0474; 2016.09-2019.09)
重庆市技术创新与应用示范项目 (No.cstc2018jscx-msybX0336; 2018.09-2021.09)
代表作 Selected Publications( * 为通讯作者)
20. Li Y., Li N., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, An interpretable light attention–convolution–gate recurrent unit architecture for the highly accurate modeling of actual chemical dynamic processes. Engineering, 2024, 39: 104-116.
19. Zhang J., Wang Q., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Mario Eden., Shen W.F.*, An accurate and interpretable deep learning model for environmental properties prediction using hybrid molecular representations. AIChE J., 2022, 68(6), e17634.
18. Wen H.Q., Su Y, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Mario Eden., A systematic modeling methodology of deep neural network‐based structure‐property relationship for rapid and reliable prediction on flashpoints. AIChE J., 2022, 68(1), e17402.
17. Su Y., Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Mario Eden, An architecture of deep learning in QSPR modeling for the prediction of critical properties using molecular signatures. AIChE J., 2019, 65(9), e16678.
16. Yang A., Shen W.F.*, Wei S.A., Dong L.C., Li, J., Gerbaud, V. Design and control of pressure-swing distillation for separating ternary systems with three binary minimum azeotropes. AIChE J., 2019, 65,1281-1293.
15. Shen W.F., Dong L.C., Wei S.A., Li J.*, Benyounes H., You X.Q., Gerbaud V. Systematic design of an extractive distillation for maximum-boiling azeotropes with heavy entrainers. AIChE J., 2015, 61(11), 3898–3910.
14. Li Y., Cao H.T., Wang X., Yang Z.N., Li N.,Shen W.F.*, A new correlation-similarity conjoint algorithm for developing encoder-decoder based deep learning multi-step prediction model of chemical process. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 288: 119748.
13. Wen H.Q., Nan S.H., Zhang J., Lei Z.G., Shen W.F.*, Chemical space deconstruction-based dynamic model ensemble architecture for molecular property prediction. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 295: 120118.
12. Yang A., Sun S.R., Su Y.*, Kong Z.Y., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Insight to the prediction of CO2 solubility in ionic liquids based on the interpretable machine learning model. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 19:120266.
11. Yang L., Liu S.S., Chang C.L., Yang S.Y.*, Shen W.F.*, An efficient and invertible machine learning-driven multi-objective optimization architecture for light olefins separation system. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 285: 119553.
10. Zhang J., Wang Q.*, Mario Eden, Shen W.F.*, A deep learning-based framework towards inverse green solvent Design for Extractive Distillation with Multi-index Constraints. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2023, 177, 108335.
9. Li Y., Hu L.J., Li N., Shen W.F.*, A light attention-mixed-base deep learning architecture toward process multivariable modeling and knowledge discovery. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2023, 174, 108259.
8. Zhang J, Wang Q, Shen W.F.*, Message-passing neural network based multi-task deep-learning framework for COSMO-SAC based r-profile and VCOSMO prediction. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2022, 254, 117624.
7. Wang Z.H., Wen H.Q., Su Y., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Ma Y.J., Li J., Insights into ensemble learning-based data-driven model for safety-related property of chemical substances. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2022, 248, 117219.
6. Shi T., Chun W., Yang A., Su Y., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Optimization and control of energy saving side-stream extractive distillation with heat integration for separating Ethyl acetate-ethanol azeotrope. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2020, 215, 115373.
5. Yang A., Su Y, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Zhang X.P., Shen W.F.*, James H. Clark., A multi-task deep learning neural network for predicting flammability-related properties from molecular structures. Green Chem., 2021, 23(12), 4451-4465.
4. Wang Z.H., Su Y., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Zhang X. P., Clark J.H, A novel unambiguous strategy of molecular feature extraction in machine learning assisted predictive models for environmental properties. Green Chem., 2020, 22(12), 3867-3876.
3. Yang A., Su Y., Shen W.F.*, Chien I.L., Ren J.Z, Multi-objective optimization of organic Rankine cycle system for the waste heat recovery in the heat pump assisted reactive dividing wall column. Energy Conversion and Manage., 2019, 199, 112041.
2. Yang A., Sun S.R., Eslamimanesh A., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Energy-saving investigation for diethyl carbonate synthesis through the reactive dividing wall column combining the vapor recompression heat pump or different pressure thermally coupled technique. Energy, 2019, 172, 320-332.
1. Su Y., Jin S.M., Zhang X.P., Shen W.F.*, Mario R. Eden, Ren J.Z., Stakeholder-oriented multi-objective process optimization based on an improved genetic algorithm. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2020, 132(4), 106618.
发表论文 Publications ( * 为通讯作者)
137. Li Y., Li N., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, An interpretable light attention–convolution–gate recurrent unit architecture for the highly accurate modeling of actual chemical dynamic processes. Engineering, 2024, 39: 104-116.
136. Li Y., Cao H.T., Wang X., Yang Z.N., Li N., Shen W.F.*, A new correlation-similarity conjoint algorithm for developing encoder-decoder based deep learning multi-step prediction model of chemical process. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 288: 119748.
135. Wen H.Q., Nan S.H., Zhang J., Lei Z.G., Shen W.F.*, Chemical space deconstruction-based dynamic model ensemble architecture for molecular property prediction. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 295: 120118.
134. Du J., Cao H.T., Li Y., Yang Z.N., Eslamimanesh A.*, Fakhroleslam M., Mansouri S.S., Shen W.F.*, Development of hybrid surrogate model structures for design and optimization of CO2 capture processes: Part I. Vacuum pressure swing adsorption in a confined space. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 283,119379.
133. Yang A., Sun S.R., Su Y.*, Kong Z.Y., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Insight to the prediction of CO2 solubility in ionic liquids based on the interpretable machine learning model. Chem. Eng. Sci.,2024, 19:120266.
132. Yang L., Liu S.S., Chang C.L., Yang S.Y.*, Shen W.F.*, An efficient and invertible machine learning-driven multi-objective optimization architecture for light olefins separation system. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 285: 119553.
131. Zhu Z.T., Wu D., Zhang J., Ren J.Z., Jin S.M.*, Shen W.F.*, An adaptive and interpretable modeling architecture assisted rapid and reliable consensus prediction for hazardous properties of chemicals. J. Cleaner Prod., 2024, 471: 143441.
130. Cao H.T., Li Y., Chang C.L., Zhang X.P., Yang A.*, Shen W.F.*, A deep learning hybrid framework combining an efficient evolutionary algorithm for complex many-objective optimization of sustainable triple CO2 feed methanol production. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2024, 12(17): 6682-6696.
129. Yang A, Sun S.R., Qi L, Kong Z.Y.*, Jaka Sunarso, Shen W.F.*, Development of an interpretable QSPR model to predict the octanol-water partition coefficient based on three artificial intelligence algorithms. Green Chem. Eng., 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.gce.2024.07.003.
128. Li Z.Y., Huang X., Wang L.C., Chen Y., Shi T.*, Shen W.F.*, Sustainable and efficient separation of ternary multi-azeotropic mixture butanone/ethanol/water based on the intensified reactive extractive distillation: process design, multi-objective optimization, and multi-criteria decision-making. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2025, 355: 129694.
127. Zhang J., Wang Q.*, Lei Y., Shen W.F.*, An interpretable 3D multi-hierarchical representation-based deep neural network for environmental, health and safety properties prediction of organic solvents. Green Chem., 2024, 26(7): 4181-4191.
126. Zhang J., Wang Q.*, Wen H.Q., Gerbaud V., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Multi-objective optimization strategy for green solvent design via deep generative model learned from pre-set molecule pairs. Green Chem., 2024, 26: 412-427.
125. Zhu J.X.*, Yang A., Zhang H., Shen W.F.*, Pressure-Swing heterogeneous azeotropic distillation for energy-efficient recovery of ethyl acetate and methanol from wastewater with expanded feed composition range. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng. 2024.108956.
124. Yang A.*, Sun S.R., Kong Z.Y.*, Zhu S.S., Jaka Sunarso, Shen W.F.*, Energy-efficient heterogeneous triple-column azeotropic distillation process for recovery of ethyl acetate and methanol from wastewater. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2024, 183, 108618.
123. Wu D., Zhu Z.T., Zhang J., Wen H.Q., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, An interpretable solute–solvent interactive attention module intensified graph-learning architecture toward enhancing the prediction accuracy of an infinite dilution activity coefficient. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2024, 63(19): 8741-8750.
122. Wang L.C., Yuan B.H., Yang A., Chang C.L., Wei S.A.*, Shen W.F.*, Thermodynamic intrinsic insights and process design for high-efficiency separation of quaternary system with three azeotropes and three homologues. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2024, 63(42): 18075-18085.
121. Nan S.H., Xu X.W., Tian Y., Pi Y.L., Zhou L., Zhou C.L., Jin S.M.*, Zhang Q.H.*, Shen W.F.*, Experimental and quantum chemical calculations on the high-efficiency transesterification of dimethyl carbonate with alcohol catalyzed by calcium oxide. J. Org. Chem., 2024, 89(14): 9929-9936.
120. 文华强, 孙全虎, 申威峰*, 基于分子碎片化学空间的智能分子定向生成框架. 化工学报, 2024, 75(04): 1655-1667.
119. 王雄, 杨振宁, 李越, 申威峰*, 基于化工机理与工业数据孪生建模的甲醇精馏过程优化. 化工进展, 2024, 43(1): 310-319.
118. Yang L., Yang Z., Akram N., Chang C.L.*, Mo W.L., Shen W.F., Zhang N., Smith R., A hybrid algorithm framework for heat exchanger networks synthesis considering the optimal locations of multiple utilities. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2025; 301: 120732.
117. Yang L, Ren J.Z., Mario Eden, Chang C.L.*, Shen W.F., A penalty-free hybrid algorithm framework based on feasible stream matching principle for large-scale heat exchanger networks synthesis. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2024, 298: 120419.
116. Chang C.L., Shen W.F., Global optimization of the design of intensified shell and tube heat exchanger using tube inserts. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 2024, 102(1): 350-365.
115. Li Q., Wang C.H., He J.Y., Yang D.D., Li T., Xu H.X., Shen W.F., Zhou L.D.*, Jin S.M.*, Zhang Q.H.*, James H. Clark, Green liquid marble-based hydrogels as pesticidal pyrethrin slow-release carriers. Green Chem., 2024, 26(6): 3378-3387.
114. 李海东, 张奇琪, 杨路, Akram Naeem, 常承林*, 莫文龙, 申威峰, 采用智能进化算法的管壳式换热器详细设计研究. 化工学报, 2024, DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240761.
113. Zhang J., Wang Q.*, Mario Eden, Shen W.F.*, A deep learning-based framework towards inverse green solvent Design for Extractive Distillation with Multi-index Constraints. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2023, 177, 108335.
112. Li Y., Hu L.J., Li N., Shen W.F.*, A Light Attention-Mixed-Base Deep Learning Architecture toward Process Multivariable Modeling and Knowledge Discovery. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2023, 174, 108259.
111. Zhou Z.T., Mario Eden, Shen W.F.*, Treat molecular linear notations as sentences: accurate quantitative structure–property relationship modeling via a natural language processing approach. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2023, 62(12): 5336-5346.
110. Wen H.Q., Nan S.H., Wu D., Sun Q.H., Tong Y., Zhang J., Jin S.M.*, Shen W. F.*, A systematic review on intensifications of artificial intelligence assisted green solvent development. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2023, 62 (48), 20473-20491.
109. Yang A., Kong Z.Y. *, Sun S.R., Jaka Sunarso, Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Design and multiobjective optimization of a novel double extractive dividing wall column with a side reboiler scheme for the recovery of ethyl acetate and methanol from wastewater. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2023, 62(44): 18591-18602.
108. Sun S.R., Yang A, Chang C.L., Hua G.Q.*, Ren J.Z., Lei Z.G., Shen W.F.*, Improved multiobjective particle swarm optimization integrating mutation and changing inertia weight strategy for optimal design of the extractive single and double dividing wall column. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2023, 62(43): 17923-17936.
107. Qi L., Yang A., Kong Z.K., Sun S.R.*, Shen W.F.*, Insight on the sustainable design and multi-objective optimization for separating the ternary azeotropic mixture of toluene/n-butanol/water by natural decanting coupled with pressure swing distillation. Sep.Purif.Technol., 2023, 313, 123434.
106. Sun S.R., Fu L.*, Yang A., Shen W.F.*, An intensified energy-saving architecture for side-stream extractive distillation of four-azeotrope mixtures considering economic, environmental and safety criteria simultaneously. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2023, 310: 123132.
105. Li Y., Yang Z.N., Deng X.H., Li N., Li S.C., Lei Z.G., Ali Eslamimanesh, Jin S.M.*, Shen W.F.*, A mechanism-data hybrid-driven framework for identifying dynamic characteristic of actual chemical processes. Chem Eng Res. Des., 2023, 199, 115-129.
104. Pi Y.L., Zhou C.L., Kong L.Z., Yin L., Jin S.M.*, Shen W.F.*, Theoretical insight into dimethyl carbonate carboxymethylation of alcohols assisted by Lewis acid proton carrier catalyst FeCl3. Chem. Phys., 2023, 574: 112044.
103. Shen T.J., Teng L.M., Hu Y.J.*, Shen W.F.*, Systematic screening procedure and innovative energy-saving design for ionic liquid-based extractive distillation process. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2023, 17(1): 34-45.
102. 杨傲, 王文和*, 米红甫, 朱承志, 冯泽民, 申威峰*, 基于Aspen Plus的化工过程安全仿真实训课程设计与探索. 实验技术与管理, 2023, 40(09): 150-156.
101. Yousaf Ayub, Zhou J.Z., Shen W.F., Ren J.Z.*, Innovative valorization of biomass waste through integration of pyrolysis and gasification: Process design, optimization, and multi-scenario sustainability analysis. Energy., 2023, 282, 128417.
100. Zhou J.Z., Chu Y.T., Ren J.Z.*, Shen W.F., He C., Integrating machine learning and mathematical programming for efficient optimization of operating conditions in organic Rankine cycle (ORC) based combined systems. Energy., 2023, 281, 128218.
99. Yousaf Ayub, Ren J.Z.*, Shi T., Shen W.F., Poultry litter valorization: Development and optimization of an electro-chemical and thermal tri-generation process using an extreme gradient boosting algorithm. Energy., 2023, 263, 125839.
98. Shi T., Zhou J.Z., Ren J.Z.*, Yousaf Ayub, Yu H.S., Shen W.F., Qi L., Yang A. Co-valorisation of sewage sludge and poultry litter waste for hydrogen production: Gasification process design, sustainability-oriented optimization, and systematic assessment. Energy., 2023, 272, 127131.
97. Du L.L., Jin S.M.*, Yang Z.N., Sun S.R., Yang A.*, Shen W.F., An efficient multi-criteria decision making for assessing the optimization of reactive extractive distillation in terms of economy, environment and safety. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2023, 197, 838-850.
96. Yousaf Ayub, Zhou J.Z., Ren J.Z.*, Shi T*, Shen W.F., He C., High‐dimensional model representation‐based surrogate model for optimization and prediction of biomass gasification process. Int. J. Energ. Res., 2023, 14, 7787947.
95. Shi T., Md. Abdul Moktadir, Ren J.Z.*, Shen W.F., Comparative economic, environmental and exergy analysis of power generation technologies from the waste sludge treatment. Energy Convers. Manag., 2023, 286, 117074.
94. Yang A., Lusi Ernawati, Wang M*, Zong Yang Kong, Jaka Sunarso, Sun.S.R.*, Shen W.F., Multi-objective optimization of the intensified extractive distillation with side-reboiler for the recovery of ethyl acetate and methanol from wastewater. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2023, 310: 123131.
93. Yousaf Ayub, Zhou J.Z., Ren J.Z.*, Wang Y., Shen W.F., He C., Dong L., Sara Toniolo, Plasma gasification based monetization of poultry litter: System optimization and comprehensive 5E (Energy, Exergy, Emergy, Economic, and Environmental) analysis. Energy Convers. Manag., 2023, 282, 116878.
92. Yousaf Ayub, Zhou J.Z., Ren J.Z.*, Shen W.F., He C, Sara Toniolo, Tri-generation for sustainable poultry litter valorization: Process design, simulation, optimization, and sustainability assessment forwaste-to-wealth. J. Clean. Prod., 2023, 418: 138139
91. Yousaf Ayub, Hu Y.S., Ren J.Z.*, Shen W.F., Carman K.M.Lee, Hydrogen prediction in poultry litter gasification process based on hybrid data-driven deep learning with multilevel factorial design and process simulation: A surrogate model. Eng. Appl. Artif. Intel., 2023, 126: 107018.
90. Chu Y.T., Zhou J.Z., Ren J.Z.*, Shen W.F., He C., Conversion of medical waste into value-added products using a novel integrated system with tail gas treatment: Process design, optimization, and thermodynamic analysis. J. Hazard.Mater., 2023, 455, 131551.
89. Zhang J., Wang Q., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Mario Eden., Shen W.F.*, An accurate and interpretable deep Learning model for environmental properties prediction using hybrid molecular representations. AIChE J., 2022, 68(6), e17634.
88. Wen H.Q., Su Y, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Mario Eden., A systematic modeling methodology of deep neural network‐based structure‐property relationship for rapid and reliable prediction on flashpoints. AIChE J., 2022, 68(1), e17402.
87. Zhang J., Wang Q., Shen W.F.*, Message-passing neural network based multi-task deep-learning framework for COSMO-SAC based σ-profile and VCOSMO prediction. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2022, 254, 117624.
86. Wang Z.H., Wen H.Q., Su Y., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Ma Y.J., Li J., Insights into ensemble learning-based data-driven model for safety-related property of chemical substances. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2022, 248,117219.
85. Huang B.X., Tong T., Chen Y., Ali Eslamimanesh, Wei S.A.*, Shen W.F.*, Dual self-adaptive intelligent optimization of feature and hyperparameter determination in constructing a DNN based QSPR property prediction model. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2022, 61, 32, 12052-12060.
84. Qi L., Li J.L., Yang A.*, Yi X.G., Shen W.F.*, Towards a sustainable azeotrope separation of acetonitrile/water by the synergy of ionic liquid-based extractive distillation, heat integration and multi-objective optimization. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2022, 61, 9833-9846.
83. Zhang J., Wang Q.*, Shen W.F.*, Hyper-parameter optimization of multiple machine learning algorithms for molecular property prediction using hyperopt library. Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2022, 52, 115-125.
82. Yang A., Kong Z.Y., Jaka Sunarso, Shen W.F.*, Towards energy saving and carbon reduction of pressure-swing distillation for separating the ternary azeotropic mixtures by thermodynamic insights and process intensification. Sep.Purif.Technol., 2022, 301, 121983.
81. Kong Z.Y., Eduardo S., Yang A., Shen W.F.*, Juan G. S.*, Jaka Sunarso., Process intensification from conventional to advanced distillations: Past, present, and future. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2022, 188:378-392.
80. Yang A.*, Su Y., Sun S. R., Shen W.F.*, Bai M.N., Ren J.Z.*, Towards sustainable separation of the ternary azeotropic mixture based on the intensified reactive-extractive distillation configurations and multi-objective particle swarm optimization. J. Clean. Prod., 2022, 332, 130116.
79. Yang A., Su Y., Shi T., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Zhou T.*, Energy-efficient recovery of tetrahydrofuran and ethyl acetate by triple-column extractive distillation: entrainer design and process optimization. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2022, 16(2), 303–315.
78. Yang A., Wang W.H., Sun S.R., Shi T., Ren J.Z., Bai M.N., Shen W.F.*,Sustainable design and multi-objective optimization of eco-efficient extractive distillation with single and double entrainer(s) for separating the ternary azeotropic mixture tetrahydrofuran/ethanol/methanol. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2022, 285, 120413.
77. Lu L.X., Hua G.Q., Tao J.Q., Chen Y., Zhang Y.S., Shen W.F.*, An energy sustainable approach of heat-pump assisted azeotropic divided wall column based on the organic Rankine cycle. Braz J Chem.Eng., 2022, 39: 539-552.
76. Liu Y., Shi T., Yang A., Ren J.Z. *, Shen W.F., He C., Sara Toniolo, Sludge valorization process for waste-to-value-added products: process simulation, sustainability assessment, and fuzzy multi-criteria decision making. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2022, 10(34): 11428-11440.
75. Ma K.B., Shi T., Hu Y.S., Yang S., Shen W.F., He C., Liu Y., Liu Z.Q., Ren J.Z.*, Poultry litter utilization for waste-to-wealth: Valorization process simulation and comparative analysis based on thermodynamic and techno-economic assessment. Energ. Convers. Manage., 2022, 269, 116135.
74. Shi T., Liu Y., Yang A., Sun S.R., Shen W.F., Ren J.Z.*, Developing a novel gasification-based sludge-to-methanol utilization process and exergy-economic-environmental (3E) analysis. Energy Convers. Manag., 2022, 260, 115600.
73. Shi T., Liu Y., Yang A., Sun S.R., Shen W.F., Lee C.K., Ren J.Z.*, Improved design of heat-pump extractive distillation based on the process optimization and multi-criteria sustainability analysis. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2022, 156, 107552.
72. Guella Fadia., Benyounes Hassiba.*, Shen W.F., Separation of ethanol-water mixture by extractive distillation using pyridinium-based ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylpyridinium ethylsulfate. Chem. Eng. Process., 2022, 173, 108815.
71. Yang A., Su Y, Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Zhang X.P., Shen W.F.*, James H. Clark., A multi-task deep learning neural network for predicting flammability-related properties from molecular structures. Green Chem., 2021, 23(12), 4451-4465.
70. Yuan B.H., Yang Z.N., Yang A., Tao J.Q., Ren J.Z., Wei S.A.*, Shen W.F.*, Target localization optimization of a superstructure triple-column extractive distillation with four-parallel evaporator organic Rankine cycles system based on advanced exergy analysis. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2021, 272, 118894.
69. Gao Y.J., Liang K., Gou Y., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Cheng F.Q.* Aluminum extraction technologies from high aluminum fly ash. Rev. in Chem. Eng., 2021, 37(8), 885-906.
68. Hu Y.J., Feng J.Q., Zhang X.P., Gao H.S., Jin S.M., Liu L.*, Shen W.F.*, Efficient electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO in ionic liquids. ChemistrySelect, 2021, 6(37), 9873-9879.
67. Gu X.C., Zhang X.C.*, Yang Z.F., Shen W.F., Deng C., Zeng S.J., Zhang X.P.*, Technical-environmental assessment of CO2 conversion process to dimethyl carbonate/ethylene glycol. J. Clean. Prod., 2021, 288, 125598.
66. Lin R.J., Lu S.F., Yang A., Shen W.F., Ren J.Z.*, Multi-criteria sustainability assessment and decision-making framework for hydrogen pathways prioritization: An extended ELECTRE method under hybrid information. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy., 2021, 46(24), 13430-13445.
65. Amiri N., Benyounes H.*, Lounis Z., Shen W.F., Design of absorption process for CO2 capture using cyano based anion ionic liquid. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2021, 169, 239-249.
64. Wang Z.H., Su Y., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Zhang X. P., Clark J.H., A novel unambiguous strategy of molecular feature extraction in machine learning assisted predictive models for environmental properties. Green Chem., 2020, 22(12), 3867-3876.
63. Su Y., Yang A., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Cui P.Z., Ren J.Z., Investigation on ternary system tetrahydrofuran/ethanol/water with three azeotropes separation via the combination of reactive and extractive distillation. J. Clean. Prod., 2020, 273, 123145.
62. Shi T., Chun W., Yang A., Su Y., Jin S.M., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Optimization andcontrol of energy saving side-stream extractive distillation with heat integration for separating ethyl acetate-ethanol azeotrope. Chem. Eng. Sci., 2020, 215, 115373.
61. Yang A., Su Y., Teng L.M.*, Jin S.M., Zhou T., Shen W.F.*, Investigation of energy-efficient and sustainable reactive/pressure-swing distillation processes to recover tetrahydrofuran and ethanol from the industrial effluent. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2020, 250, 117210.
60. Sun S.R., Chun W., Yang A., Shen W.F.*, Cui P.Z., Ren J.Z., The separation of ternary azeotropic mixture: Thermodynamic insight and improved multi-objective optimization. Energy, 2020, 206, 118117.
59. Wang H., Su Y., Wang D., Jin S.M., Wei S.A.*, Shen W.F.*, Optimal design and energy-saving investigation of the triple CO2 feeds for methanol production system by combining steam and dry methane reforming. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2020, 59(4), 1596-1606.
58. Li Y.C., Wei R.X., Zhang R.Y., Shen W.F.*, Jin S.M.*, In silico modelling of a novel refrigeration process of the ammonia/water falling-film absorption. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2020, 59, 1362-1373.
57. Su Y., Jin S.M., Zhang X.P., Shen W.F.*, Mario R. Eden, Ren J.Z., Stakeholder-oriented multi-objective process optimization based on an improved genetic algorithm. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2020, 132(4), 106618.
56. 田璐瑶, 王梓豪, 粟杨, 文华强, 申威峰*,. 基于深度学习的溶剂定量构效关系建模研究进展. 化工学报, 2020, 71(10), 4462-4472.
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54. Hu Y.J., Li F.H., Wei S.A., Jin S.M.*, Shen W.F.*, Design and optimization of the efficient extractive distillation process for separating the binary azeotropic mixture methanol-acetone based on the quantum chemistry and conceptual design. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 242, 116829.
53. Yang A., Chun W., Sun S.R., Shi T., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Dynamic study in enhancing the controllability of an energy-efficient double side-stream ternary extractive distillation of acetonitrile/methanol/benzene with three azeotropes. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 242, 116830.
52. Shi T., Chun W., Yang A., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Gu J.L., The process control of the triple-column pressure-swing extractive distillation with partial heat integration, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 238, 116416.
51. Su Y., Lv L. P., Shen W.F.*, Wei S. A., An efficient technique for improving methanol yield using dual CO2 feeds and dry methane reforming. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2020, 14(4), 614-628.
50. Liang K., Jin S.M., Chen H.Z., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Wei S.A.*, Parametric optimization of packed bed for activated coal fly ash waste heat recovery using CFD techniques. Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2020, 28(2), 518-525.
49. Feng Z.M., Shen W.F., Rangaiah G.P.*, Dong L.C.*, Design and control of vapor recompression assisted extractive distillation for separating n-hexane and ethyl acetate. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 240, 116655.
48. Ren J.Z.*, Ren X.S., Shen W.F., Man Y., Lin R.J., Liu Y., He C., Manzardo A., Toniolo S., Dong L.C.*, Industrial system prioritization using the sustainability-interval-index conceptual framework with life-cycle considerations. AIChE J., 2020. 66(6), e16961.
47. Addouni M., Benyounes H.*, Jin S.M.*, Haddou B., Shen W.F., Extraction process design for the separation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon using organic solvent, ionic liquid or their mixture: a comparative study. Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 2020, 37(1), 307-322.
46. Xu D.*, Li W.C., Ren X.S., Shen W.F., Dong L.C.*, Technology selection for sustainable hydrogen production: a multi-criteria assessment framework under uncertainties based on the combined weights and interval best-worst projection method. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 2020, 45(59), 34396-34411.
45. Su Y., Wang Z.H., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Mario Eden, An architecture of deep learning in QSPR Modeling for the prediction of critical properties using molecular signatures. AIChE J., 2019, 65(9), e16678.(亮点报道)
44. Yang A., Shen W.F.*, Wei S.A., Dong L.C., Li, J., Gerbaud V., Design and control of pressure-swing distillation for separating ternary systems with three binary minimum azeotropes. AIChE J., 2019, 65(4), 1281-1293.(ESI高被引)
43. Wang Z.H., Su Y., Shen W.F.*, Jin S.M.*, Clark J.H., Ren J.Z., Zhang X.P., Predictive deep learning models for environmental properties: the direct calculation of octanol-water partition coefficients from molecular graphs. Green Chem., 2019, 21(16), 4555-4565.
42. Yang A., Su Y., Shen W.F.*, Chien I.L., Ren J.Z., Multi-objective optimization of organic Rankine cycle system for the waste heat recovery in the heat pump assisted reactive dividing wall column. Energ. Convers. Manage., 2019, 199, 112041.
41. Yan C.L., Yang A., Chien I.L., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z.*, Advanced exergy analysis of organic Rankine cycles for Fischer-Tropsch syngas production with parallel dry and steam methane reforming. Energ. Convers. Manage., 2019, 199, 111963.
40. Yang A., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Cui P.Z.*, Chien I.L., Ren J.Z., Investigation of energy-saving azeotropic dividing wall column to achieve cleaner production via heat exchanger network and heat pump technique. J. Clean. Prod., 2019, 234, 410-422.
39. Yang A., Sun S.R., Eslamimanesh A., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Energy-saving investigation for diethyl carbonate synthesis through the reactive dividing wall column combining the vapor recompression heat pump or different pressure thermally coupled technique. Energy, 2019, 172, 320-332.
38. Yang A., Su Y., Chien I.L., Jin S.M., Yan C.L., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Investigation of an energy-saving double-thermally coupled extractive distillation for separating ternary system benzene/toluene/cyclohexane. Energy, 2019, 186, 115756.
37. Yang A., Zou H.C., Chien I.L., Wang D., Wei S.A., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Optimal design and effective control of triple-column extractive distillation for separating ethyl acetate/ethanol/water with multi-azeotrope. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58(17), 7265-7283.
36. Yang A., Shi T., Sun S.R., Wei S. A., Shen W.F.*, Ren J.Z., Dynamic Controllability investigation of an energy-saving double side-stream ternary extractive distillation process, Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 225, 41-53.
35. Yang A., Sun S.R., Shi T., Xu D., Ren J.Z., Shen W.F.*, Energy-efficient extractive pressure-swing distillation for separating binary minimum azeotropic mixture dimethyl carbonate and ethanol. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 229, 115817.
34. Shi T., Yang A., Jin S.M., Shen W.F.*, Wei S. A., Ren J.Z., Comparative optimal design and control of two alternative approaches for separating heterogeneous mixtures isopropyl alcohol-isopropyl acetate-water with four azeotropes. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 225, 1-17.
33. Hu Y.J., Su Y., Jin S.M., Chien I.L., Shen W.F.*, Systematic approach for screening organic and ionic liquid solvents in homogeneous extractive distillation exemplified by the tert-butanol dehydration. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2019, 211, 723-737.
32. Yan C.L., Lv L.P., Wei S.A., Eslamimanesh A., Shen W.F.*, Application of retrofitted design and optimization framework based on the exergy analysis to a crude oil distillation plant. Appl. Therm. Eng., 2019, 154, 637-649.
31. Sun S.R., Yang A., Chien I.L., Shen W.F.*, Wei S.A., Ren J.Z., Zhang X.P., Intensification and performance assessment for synthesis of 2-methoxy-2-methyl-heptane through the combined use of different pressure thermally coupled reactive distillation and heat integration technique. Chem. Eng. Process, 2019, 142, 107561.(封面文章)
30. Sun S.R., Lv L.P., Yang A., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Extractive distillation: advances in conceptual design, solvent selection, and separation strategies. Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2019, 27 (6), 1247-1256.
29. Li F.H., Bai M.N., Wei S.A., Jin S.M.*, Shen W.F.*, Multidimension insight involving experimental and in silico investigation into the corrosion inhibition of N,N-dibenzyl dithiocarbamate acid on copper in sulphuric acid solution. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58(17), 7166-7178.(封面文章)
28. Feng Z.M., Shen W.F., Rangaiah G. P.*, Lv L.P., Dong L.C.*, Process development, assessment and control of reactive dividing-wall column with vapor recompression for producing n-propyl acetate, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58 (1), 276–295.
27. Du J.C., Zhou C.L.*, Chen L., Cheng J., Pi P.H., Zuo J.H., Shen W.F., Jin S.M., Tan L.X., Dong L.C., Gate-embedding strategy for pore size manipulation on stainless steel mesh: toward highly efficient water-in-oil nanoemulsions separation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58(33), 15288-15296.
26. Feng Z.M., Shen W.F., Rangaiah G.P.*, Dong L.C.*, Closed-loop identification and model predictive control of extractive dividing-wall column. Chem. Eng. Process, 2019, 142, 107552.
25. Xiao C., Liao Q., Fu Q.*, Huang Y., Xia A., Shen W.F., Chen H., Zhu X., Exergy analyses of biogas production from microalgae biomass via anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289, 121709.
24. Xu D.*, Li W.C., Shen W.F., Dong L.C.*, Decision-making for sustainability enhancement of chemical systems under uncertainties: combining the vector-based multiattribute decision-making method with weighted multiobjective optimization technique, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019, 58(27), 12066-12079.
23. Yang Y., Liu, J., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Li J., Chien I.L., High-efficiency utilization of CO2 in the methanol production by a novel parallel-series system combining steam and dry methane reforming. Energy, 2018, 158, 820-829.
22. Yang A., Wei R.X., Sun S.R., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Chien I.L., Energy-saving optimal design and effective control of heat integration-extractive dividing wall column for separating heterogeneous mixture methanol/toluene/water with multiazeotropes. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57 (23), 8036–8056.
21. Liu J., Yang Y., Wei S.A., Shen W.F.*, Rakovitis N., Li, J.*, Intensified p-xylene production process through toluene and methanol alkylation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57 (38), 12829–12841.
20. Wei R.X., Yan C.L., Yang A., Shen W.F.*, Li J., Improved process design and optimization of 200 kt/a ethylene glycol production using coal-based syngas. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2018, 132, 551-563.
19. Gu J.L., You X.Q., Tao C.Y., Li J.*, Shen W.F.*, Li J., Improved design and optimization for separating tetrahydrofuran-water azeotrope through extractive distillation with and without heat integration by varying pressure. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2018, 133, 303-313.
18. Belabbas A. B. T. W., Benyounes H.*, Haddou B., Shen W.F.*, Improved design of the Lurgi reactor for methanol synthesis industry. Chem. Eng. Technol., 2018, 41(10): 2043-2052.
17. Yi C.C., Shen W.F., Chien I.L.*, Design and control of an energy-efficient alternative process for the separation of methanol/toluene/water ternary azeotropic mixture. Sep. Purif. Technol, 2018, 207, 489-497.
16. Feng Z.M., Shen W.F., Rangaiah G.P.*, Dong L.C.*, Proportional-integral control and model predictive control of extractive dividing-wall column based on temperature differences. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57(31), 10572-10590.
15. Yang A., Lv L.P., Shen W.F.*, Dong L.C., Li J., Xiao X., Optimal design and effective control of the tert-amyl methyl ether production process using an integrated reactive dividing wall and pressure swing columns. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 5(49), 14565-14581.
14. Seihoub F., Benyounes H., Shen W.F.*, Gerbaud V., An improved shortcut design method of divided wall columns exemplified by a liquefied petroleum gas process. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56(34), 9710-9720.
13. You X.Q., Gu J.L., Peng C.J., Shen W.F.*, Liu H.L.*, Improved design and optimization for separating azeotropes with heavy component as distillate through energy-saving extractive distillation by varying pressure. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56(32), 9156-9166.
12. Xu D., Lv L.P., Ren J.Z.*, Shen W.F., Wei S.A., Dong L.C.*, Life cycle sustainability assessment of chemical processes: a vector-based three-dimensional algorithm coupled with AHP. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56(39), 11216-11227.
11. Shen W.F., Dong L.C., Wei S.A., Li J.*, Benyounes H., You X.Q., Gerbaud V. Systematic design of extractive distillation for maximum-boiling azeotropes with heavy entrainers. AIChE J., 2015, 61(11), 3898-3910.
10. Shen W.F., Benyounes H., Gerbaud V.*, Extension of thermodynamic insights on batch extractive distillation to continuous operation, 1. azeotropic mixtures with a heavy entrainer. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013, 52(12), 4606-4622.
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8. Benyounes H., Benyahia K., Shen W.F.*, Gerbaud V., Dong L.C., Wei S.A.*, Novel procedure for assessment of feasible design parameters of dividing-wall columns: application to non-azeotropic mixtures. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54(19), 5307-5318.
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3. Shen W.F., Benyounes H.*, Song J., Thermodynamic topological analysis of extractive distillation of maximum boiling azeotropes. Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 2015, 32, 957-966.
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1. Shen W.F., Benyounes H.*, Song J., A review of ternary azeotropic mixtures advanced separation strategies. Theor. Found. Chem. Eng.,2016, 50(1), 28-40.
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